8 week babe |
This picture above is from the first
prenatal appointment at 8 weeks, where Matt was in attendance and we were both
able to see the first image of Baby Roth together. It was such a powerful
experience that we both will never forget, as we were amazed that this was a
life that God helped us create as a couple. Our wonderful nurse practicioner
found the heartbeat of the baby quickly and it was at 160 bpm, which is normal
at this point in the pregnancy.
Cozy 12 week babe |
During my 12 week appointment with
my doctor, she use the doppler to take the heartbeat which again showed 160
bpm, just like the previous appointment, which signifies healthy baby! Although
this was incredibly exciting to know, I was still curious as to what he/she was
looking like at this point. Luckily, I had another appointment immediately
after this one at the University of Pennsylvania where I am participating in a
NuMom2B study which studies predictors and causes of adverse outcomes during pregnancy
and the information will be used to catch problems sooner in the future with
new mothers. I am excited to participate for many reasons. One, being that I
will be able to help provide information that may save a baby's precious life
one day. Two, being that I will receive extra information and ultrasounds of my
baby through three appointments that are scheduled when it works for me.
Lastly, three, being that I will receive financial compensation for each
appointment that I go to and extra compensation for participating in a sleep
study portion. So, as mentioned before, I had another appointment after my 12
week appointment with the U of P, which is where I received these incredible
ultrasound photos that the research assistant so thoughtfully and carefully
took the time to do. It truly is incredible that the first photo at 8 weeks
shows our baby to look like a jelly bean and 4 weeks later it has visible arms,
legs, hands, fingers, toes, feet, a brain with two hemispheres(!!!), facial
features, and the list goes on and on. What is taking place in my body is
nothing short of a miracle and for me to be entrusted to take care of this beautiful
baby is undeserved. All this to say, I am thankful.
Hi everyone! |