Cal continues to show us new expressions and more of his personality each day. He loves to be outside - eyes looking toward the sky, seeing the big world. He likes to challenge himself on his tummy by kicking his little legs. Once he gets tired on his tummy, he tries to bring his thumb to his mouth, sometimes successfully, sometimes not. He likes reading books with Dad at night, especially Freight Train. He likes the car (so far), often falling asleep from the bumpy cobblestones on Germantown Avenue. He likes to drape his arms over Mom's back and move his little fingers (giving her a teeny tiny back rub). He loves it when Mom makes up songs for him, even if they are the same words over and over, his little eyes fixate and listen in.
A little bit of this week...
Night time |
Daytime sleeps |
My favorite smile yet. |
Daddy and Cal getting ready for a walk. |
I am very serious. |
This is how I kick my legs.
Cal loves his time with Daddy. |
1st grocery shopping trip - Cal did great, slept the whole time Mama was shopping. |
Martha came to visit and make us dinner. Thank you! It was so yummy! |
Sucking his thumb put him right to sleep during tummy time. |
Michelin man toes as mentioned in the 1 week post |
When he wakes up from naps, he likes to make 100 different faces just as he is stretching out.
We gave him his first bath on his two week birthday - and he didn't mind! He did seem a bit surprised by the water, and would open his mouth each time I touched him with the washcloth, while not completely sure what to think of it all. He's the cutest little bather in the world.