This little sweetie is not wanting to stay put for pictures of any kind, but I will still keep trying. Especially when he makes a face as cute as this!
Last weekend we went to New Hope, which is a great little town with lots of shops, restaurants, paths along the river and sunny weather (!!) It's about 45 minutes away from us, and we are so glad we decided to take the adventure and check it out. We ate lunch at a BBQ place, and if you know Matt and I we are always in search of yummy pulled pork. We stopped at a French Bakery and ate something called a Raspberry Tulip, which may be my new favorite dessert.
At dinner I decided to give Cal a lemon for the first time, he didn't mind it, but what I didn't think about was that after he was done holding it, he would have lemon juice on his hands... no big deal right? Right... until he rubbed his eyes and started screaming!! Ahh... first time Mom alert. We went to the bathroom right away and washed his hands and he recovered quickly.

We stopped at a super fun soap and lotions shop where they had this cute little scuba diver that had moving flippers when it was wound up. No, we didn't buy it, but I'm sure Cal would have liked us to!
Have I mentioned that Cal LOVES his Daddy? Every day when Matt gets home from works he kicks his legs and starts giggling. I think it's the best part of the day for both of them.
Cal realized that when the car is moving, I am up front driving. Here he is keeping an eye on me.
Lastly, Cal really wants to walk. Standing isn't good enough anymore. So here he is doing some walking for the first time.