This week, we had some of my Mom friends and Cal's baby friends over for a fun "crafternoon." This is the second one we have had at our house, with the first one being
sewing baby pants out of a pair of socks and this time we made
sensory bags.
One of the finished products below. So easy to make and fun for the babies to touch and squish.

Cal and his friend Ella. She's going to be 1 year old this month! Despite Cal's facial expression, they really do like each other. :) |
Still pulling himself up on everything, finding something new to explore each day. Love those chunky thighs!!

Oooohh yes, we've had some great weather lately! When we moved to our house in Philadelphia, I loved everything about it, but felt a little sad thinking about the size of our yard. I know it's petty, and I should be thankful that we have a home on a quiet street, that is walkable to lots of great restaurants and shops, so really I shouldn't complain at all. But, I will say this, my backyard as a child was so wonderful with a fruit orchard, a large garden, a basketball hoop, a long driveway where I learned to ride a bike, a treehouse that my brother built, and a wooden swing hanging from the tallest tree. I can't tell you how many hours I spent outside just exploring, digging, searching for gophers with my Dad, playing catch, shooting hoops and loving every second of it. And as it goes, if you had a great childhood, you visualize something similar for your own child. In Philly (city limits), it is nearly impossible to find a big yard and not pay a fortune, so what we sacrificed in a yard, we are blessed with our home. I try to remember that there are great playgrounds, parks, grassy areas all within walking distance, but still have a hard time letting go of having our own large green space. So for now, we will enjoy our small grassy area in the front and back, enough for our 8 month old boy to see and learn about the outdoors, and be thankful for all that it is, because Cal doesn't know the difference between a small and large yard, and he is joyful in just being outside.

This was Cal's first time exploring the front yard, and there are many things to touch, taste and see! Here he is examining some pine cones.
So delicious, right Cal? |
I recently went to a consignment sale with my friend Angela (Mom of Lexie) and we both found matching ride-on/walkers. $3! We're excited to get our two little ones together for fun rides this spring/summer. Perfect for our little path. He can't really go anywhere without me pushing him along, but he loves to move!
"I found the perfect stick!" |
This picture reminds me of my Grandpa Callahan. He would generally be found using a wire of some sort to pick his teeth when we would be sitting outside in his yard. Cal thinks sticks will do the trick. His face even resembles Grandpa Callahan in this one. I need a picture to do a side by side picture comparison. |
Lastly, I was able to get this great tunnel for $6 at the same consignment sale mentioned above. I wasn't sure if he would be interested in climbing through, or if he wouldn't understand the concept. So I positioned myself on the opposite end, and he quickly became motivated to go through to the other side. I love watching him discover new things.
"Is that you Mommy?" |