Let's start off with some Old Wive's Tales for determining gender just for fun...
If carrying low, it's a boy/If carrying high, it's a girl: Low, I think? - We'll just say boy.
Dry hands - boy: Well it is winter, and my hands have been exceptionally dry lately - Boy.
Take off your wedding ring, tie it to a piece of string, and hang it over your belly. If it swings in a circle, you are promised a boy; back and forth indicates a girl.: Back and forth - must be a girl! ;)
If the baby's heartbeat is under 140bpm it's a boy, if it's above 140bpm it's a girl: It's been 154 or higher each time - Girl!
Craving sweets, it's a girl. Craving sour or salty, it's a boy.: Boy!
Chinese Birth Chart - http://www.chinesefortunecalendar.com/PredictSex.htm - It's a boy!
Morning Sickness - if you are nauseous often in the first trimester, then it's a girl, no nausea, boy.: Boy!
Well folks, that's 5 boys and 2 girls, but if you think you might have a hunch, take our poll at the top of the page!
How far along: 17 weeks and 5 days.
Fruit/Vegetable Comparison and Size: Onion - about 5 inches
Total weight gain: 8 lbs.
Exercise: 3 days at the gym walking 30 minutes on treadmill, 1 prenatal yoga class
Maternity clothes: This week I have relied solely on maternity clothes as under layers and pre-pregnancy clothes for top layers. Maternity jeans are a must, and I have realized that I will need a pair of maternity leggings or tights to wear with dresses. I felt like I was being cut in half by my tights this week, and leggings are just a little too snug to be comfortable.
Sleep: Overall, still a steady sleeper.
Best moment of this week: Matt being able to feel a tiny kick through my belly when we were laying quietly in bed.
Miss anything: Not currently!
Movement: Definitely feeling some movement this week, not super frequently, and I can't really determine which body parts yet, but it's happening! I feel it mostly in the evening while I'm laying on the couch, and sometimes right after I have eaten. I guess little boy or girl is telling me that they like to eat like their Mama. :)
Food cravings: Herr's Jalapeno Chips
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing at all! Yay!
Have you started to show yet: I think last week may have been a fluke, because I definitely don't look like I did in that picture, so I may have just had a big meal contributing to that baby bump. :) However, I am showing, but it depends on what time of day. Although, when I go to the gym and I'm wearing a snug fitting shirt, I'm sure most people think that I'm just trying to shed some pounds.
Gender: Boy? Girl? I have no clue, no signs point to anything in my mind.. but next Friday we will truly know! Hooray!
Symptoms: Dry eyes, and posterior pelvis pain that is often worst at the end of the day, but does feel better after my weekly prenatal yoga class.
Belly button in or out: It's changing shape, but it's still in.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Looking forward to: Seeing my baby's sweet face and knowing that it has Matt and I both incorporated in it's entire being.
Can't wait til Friday!
ReplyDeleteI am in suspense for Friday! So excited!!!