Fruit/Vegetable Comparison and Size: Large Jicama - About 16.7 inches long.
Total weight gain: 26 lbs. - I think I may have actually stayed the same this week - due to the large amount of sweat I have emitted from the recent 90+ degree days.
Exercise: 1 prenatal yoga class, not gym exercise, but sweating, lots of sweating.
Maternity clothes: Loose and flowy
Sleep: Well, this has sure been an interesting week for sleep... with hot weather, and having to get up to go to the bathroom 2-3 times a night, sleep has been somewhat interrupted... until... Matt installed the AC unit in our room! Woo! Thank you Matt! So wonderful to have cool and comfortable sleep the past two nights.
Best moment(s) of this week: Great visit with the midwife, saying that baby boy is head down in the LOA position, which she believes he will stay in until he is born.. right where he needs to be! Yay! Lots of fun moments at school as well, with Beach Day for the kids, and sewing costumes for their class play, the year is winding down.
Miss anything: Nothing at the moment, just getting more and more excited to hold and snuggle with our baby boy each day.
Movement: He loves to make his bottom stick out on my belly and I feel lots of kicks and hand movements on the right side. He's always shifting around and getting cozy, which is exciting to know he's active and healthy.
Symptoms: Heartburn is new this week, so I'll have to stray away from the spicy foods and bagels with cream cheese? Strange, I know... but every morning after I have a bagel with cream cheese the heartburn sets in...
Have you started to show yet: Showing and growing daily!
Gender: Strangely enough, I have had two grown men in different locations state that I am having a boy, based on what I'm looking like. One man in Home Depot even decided it was appropriate to chant, "It's a boy, it's a boy, it's a boy!" - How do they know???
Belly button in or out: I've never seen this part of my belly button before...
Wedding rings on or off: ON
Looking forward to: Hanging out in the sunshine all weekend, and getting the nursery finished (pictures hung, crib set-up, clothes washes, cloth diapers washed)... it's getting closer!
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