Fruit/Vegetable Comparison and Size: Honeydew Melon
Total weight gain: 30 lbs.
Exercise: 1 day prenatal yoga, walk around the neighborhood with Matt, a hike in the Wissahickon with Rachel and lots of going up and down the stairs as I get the rest of the house organized before baby comes!
Maternity clothes: I'm ready to wear some regular clothes again! My maternity cycle of clothing is wearing thin... especially with the warm weather we're having. One pair of shorts isn't really cutting it.
Sleep: I wake up about 4 times now to go to the bathroom, but it doesn't seem to interrupt my sleep much. I'm normally not a morning person (love sleeping in until at least 9) but now I'm ready to go by 7:30 or 8, which is pretty exciting because I never thought I would be able to do that without feeling worn out. Baby is training me well!
Best moment(s) of this week: Going to the Kutztown Folk Festival and trying some Dutch treats, getting awesome maternity pictures taken by Sheryl, and having a great baby appointment on Wednesday where my midwife said everything looks good and that he is average size. Keep on cooking little guy!
Miss anything: This doesn't have much to do with pregnancy, but more with living far away from my closest friends and family. I miss the deep relationships and the ability to spend time with people I have a history with. I don't know if that will ever get easier or not...
Movement: All the time, and lots of hiccups. Hoping for a strong, healthy boy!
Symptoms: A little swelling this week when we were outside in the heat at the festival on Saturday - my feet and ankles ballooned up a little, but once we got home and I was able to lay down it was much better.
Gender: I think we've got the name! But still not revealing it... :)
Belly button in or out: So out.
Wedding rings on or off: On, but only swollen day, I didn't have a choice, there was no way they were going to budge. I had sausages for fingers.
Looking forward to: Baby appointment on Wednesday and Matt having a 4 day weekend! Woo hoo!