Cal is just a jolly little guy these days, babbling up a storm, and sharing smiles with everyone he comes in contact with. His sleeping is another story, not so jolly for Mom. For around a month Cal has been waking up 2-3 times a night to eat, and that makes Mom feel very tired. I'm hoping it's a growth spurt and that I can chock it up to him learning how to sit, roll all over the room and reach for objects, but this Mama is ready for a change. At least he's so happy during the day, and takes good naps, so the only difficult part of my job is the nighttime. I love every. single. thing. about him. It's amazing to me that I felt like I loved him as much as I possibly could when he was born, and then the love grows deeper! I can't get enough of his squishy cheeks, sweet smile, squeaky voice, and snuggles after a nap. It truly does keep getting better.
Enough of my feelings towards Cal, let's talk about the last week. We went to Pittsburgh for Christmas to see the Roth side of the family, and of course Cal loved all the attention. He opened presents, ate his Christmas card, and even practiced some sitting. Also, we went over to see Felix and Maria (Matt's Italian barber and his wife) and Cal was not quite into all the cheek pinching and loud kisses but he learned to deal.
Here is the big guy feeling so proud that he can sit by himself now.
So stylish.
Cal loves spending time with his Grandma Roth and Aunt Laura.
Here is Cal opening his first Christmas present. Everything seems to go into his mouth. I guess he's exploring his world through his sense of taste.
Mmm.. Christmas cards.
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