Back in September we went to the shore to enjoy the sights when it was a little less crowded and cool. This was Cal's first real beach experience where he was able to walk around and choose what he wanted to do. The excitement and joy that come with watching your child in a new space or experience is my favorite.
Cal was not afraid of the water, and fortunately it was still somewhat warm!

We walked up and down the boardwalk looking for tasty treats, which of course weren't hard to find.
Before Kohr Bros. Custard
After Kohr Bros. Custard
The sun came out and it turned out to be a beautiful day in the upper 60s!
Daddy and Cal testing out the waters
We found a little slope for Cal to climb up and down and along the way he found lots of treasures.
Don't mind the sandy lips..he may have tasted a bit of sand.
I'm going to eat this rock you guys...
No really, I'm going to eat it!
Haha just kidding!
After a little face plant in the sand he was all smiles.
Naps on the beach are the best.
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