Fruit/Vegetable Comparison and Size: Head of Cabbage - 15 3/4 inches head to heel.
Total weight gain: 25 lbs.
Exercise: 1 prenatal yoga class, a walk from our house to get ice cream at the Trolley Car Diner. -- Good thing the gym membership is only $10 a month... not getting too much use out of it this last month.. definitely need to make myself go more often!
Maternity clothes: Short sleeves, tank tops, capris, dresses - the weather has been great!
Sleep: Just trying to get comfortable... but sleeping well overall.
Best moment(s) of this week: Appointment at the new midwife practice, and feeling like we made a good choice about switching. Our midwife said that he was head down, and growing at a very good pace! Can't ask for anything better than that!
Miss anything: The ability to carry heavy things.
Movement: The midwife told me that when there is a big bump showing on my stomach that it is most likely his bottom, and he's definitely not shy about doing that.
Food cravings: Salad with dried cranberries, sunflower seeds and ranch, ice cream, and homemade pizza.
Symptoms: Foot and leg cramping at night. Just got the TDAP (Whooping Cough) vaccine on Wednesday and my arm has a swollen, hot, sore circle about 3 inches in diameter at the injection site... have been told this is a common mild allergic reaction, but it looks about like any part of my body would like after I get a bee sting. Hopefully, it will go down soon.
Have you started to show yet: Bigger and better every week!
Gender: Still a boy!
Belly button in or out: I had one of my students tell me that it was the baby's big toe!
Wedding rings on or off: Small indent on my finger, but still able to take them on and off.
Looking forward to: Seeing the Roth side of the family this weekend when they come to visit.
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