Fruit/Vegetable Comparison and Size: Eggplant - 15 1/2 inches head to heel.
Total weight gain: 24 lbs.
Exercise: 1 prenatal yoga class, a nice walk to the local Wawa for a blue raspberry slushie, and a walk to the Trolley Car Diner with Matt for some ice cream... I guess if I'm walking, I am hoping for some kind of treat in the end. :)
Maternity clothes: The demi-band pants are not working so hot anymore, I have graduated to full-panel pants now, or else really stretchy waist pants. He's hanging out pretty low, so most everything I have is really tight around the waist!
Sleep: Sleeping well... hot showers before bed are still necessary. It is definitely getting harder to roll over, because I really have to put some effort into moving my belly, so I mostly just sleep on one side.
Best moment(s) of this week: My sweet Aunt Joanie and Uncle Jay generously bought us a much needed nursery item, a comfy glider and ottoman! I can't wait to use it once baby Roth is here! Pictures to come...
Miss anything: Spontaneous trips, but... luckily the weather has been great here so there have been plenty of fun things to do locally in the sunshine.
Movement: He has been getting himself into some pretty wild positions lately, where my belly feels really hard in one place and squishy in another.
Food cravings: Graham Slam Ice Cream (if you haven't tried it, it's amazing), frozen yogurt, slushies,
Symptoms: Some foot and leg cramping at night, but no heartburn yet!
Have you started to show yet: I did get asked if I was having twins yesterday...
Gender: some kind of giant?
Belly button in or out: Very out.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on, I hope I don't have to take them off!
Looking forward to: A much needed haircut this week!
Oh, Kristin. You're just glowing! I love how you're really growing now and just looking great! Whatever Graham Slam Ice Cream is, I'm going to look into it. I'm ice cream-obsessed. have fun with your glider!
Oh, Kristin. You're just glowing! I love how you're really growing now and just looking great! Whatever Graham Slam Ice Cream is, I'm going to look into it. I'm ice cream-obsessed. have fun with your glider!