The blocks are becoming more of a toy than a prop - and he seems to prefer shouting rather than smiling for his weekly picture these days.
This week Cal started his very first swim class! It is a 10 week class, with kids ranging from 6 months to 3 years (Cal isn't quite 6 months, but he was 2 weeks late.. that should count right?) where he will get to learn how to blow bubbles (not sure if this will be accomplished), and get acclimated to the water, so in the future he can love to swim! Let's just say the first go around was a bit anti-climatic, seeing that Cal did not smile one single time and he had clinched fists the whole time in the water. On the bright side, he did not cry, I think it's more that he didn't know what to make of it. So we'll see how he does next time! Here he is with his buddies from Mom's group - Teddy and Lila. The face he is making is similar to the one he was making in the pool. Next week there will be some action shots from the pool and maybe even a video!
Since we had 10 inches of snow the other day, and temperatures that don't even begin to reach 30 degrees we had to get out of the house at some point! There was a 3 day stretch where we were basically stuck inside b/c of all the snow and the extreme temperatures. So here is a picture of Cal all bundled up on a walk in the cold. I think our walk only lasted about 15 minutes, but at least we were able to get some fresh air!
We have started a nightly ritual of reading Goodnight Moon. As you can see, it's one of his favorites.
Everything is still making its way into his mouth, and hopefully soon I'll get a picture of his new smile with 2 cute little teeth!
One of our daytime adventures in a box, which was really a train and many other things that day.
Lastly, Cal has a favorite book.
Our friends Dylan and Meaghan from Chattanooga sent it to Cal as a Christmas present. It's a great book that has different sounds and objects, and well... if you look at this video you will get an idea of what I'm talking about. Click on the link below:
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