We have a lot to share this week in Cal news. He had his second week of swim class, he tried his first food AND he started getting his tummy off the ground and rocks back and forth! All of these things were documented, and here on the blog for your enjoyment.
This is typical Cal trying to reach for my phone as I'm trying to take a picture of him. What color are his eyes going to be?? Hopefully not red like his pupils!
Here is the excitement of Cal trying his first food - banana! It's uncertain if it's going to be a favorite, but he definitely knew what to do with it!
Here we are at swim class, where it's difficult to get a smile, but Mommy and Daddy sure have fun.
This week they had us dunk the babies underwater! I was a little surprised that this was okay, and wondered what Cal's reaction would be. Apparently babies instinctually hold their breath if they are put underwater and sure enough that's what Cal did! When he came back up he spit out a bunch of water and blinked a few times, but no tears were shed - what a brave little guy!
Matt's heart about burst when Cal snuggled up on his shoulder, so we had to capture the moment because it was so special.
We celebrated Joanna and Auxi's birthday this week (from the Mom's group) by having a party at Stephanie's house with all the babies and families. Here is the cake I made - dark chocolate with peanut butter frosting and chocolate ganache on top. Mmm Mmm... it is so fun to celebrate!
A cheesy smile from my little chunky guy.
Still can't get enough jumping. He really has the best time.
Last but not least, here is the rockin' little guy. I think this is my new favorite thing Cal can do. I just can't get enough of his baby moves.
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