Not the best lighting, but hey we're not photographers. |
I had my final research study appointment on Friday and the technician was able to get some great 3D pictures of the sweet baby...
Big yawn! Or maybe sleeping with his mouth open like his Mama? |
Happy little guy! |
Look at that cheek! |
Sweet baby... |
*He is already weighing in at 2 pounds 2 oz. which is a little ahead of schedule.. definitely eating plenty over here so he can grow!
How far along: 25 weeks and 5 days.
Fruit/Vegetable Comparison and Size: Rutabaga - 13 1/2 inches head to heel.
Total weight gain: 15 lbs.
Exercise: 1 gym day, 1 prenatal yoga class, multiple outdoor walks with the kids at school on our 80+ degree days this week!
Maternity clothes: We had a couple of hot days this week, so dresses are a must - something with air flow! This little guy is like a mini heater in my belly.
Sleep: My favorite time of day... it feels to great to lay down.
Best moment of this week: Receiving surprise gifts in the mail from sweet, sweet friends.
Miss anything: Putting on my shoes without having to hang onto something so I don't fall over.
Movement: He's making some big movements, nothing waking me up at night though, thank goodness.
Food cravings: Still meat, and english muffins, toast, and salty things.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No sickness here, PTL!
Have you started to show yet: A student in my class asked if I was hiding a basketball under my shirt.
Gender: I'm just not going to comment here this week...
Belly button in or out: Half out.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Looking forward to: The summer and swimming! I would enjoy feeling weightless in the water.
And... what you've all been waiting for.. baby Matt and baby Kristin pictures! Who does he look like??
Baby Matt as a newborn. |
Baby Kristin a few days old. |