Fruit/Vegetable Comparison and Size: Head of Lettuce - 14 1/2 inches head to heel.
Total weight gain: 20 lbs. - I think I forgot to update last week?
Exercise: 1 prenatal yoga class, and lots of yard work once I get done with work each day since the weather has been so nice! Things are really shaping up around here - Matt and I even planted our garden on Saturday!
Maternity clothes: What else?
Sleep: Sleeping well, alternating between the Snoogle pillow and regular pillows, whatever feels most comfortable. Only getting up once to go to the bathroom, sleep has been going well!
Best moment of this week: Matt telling me he can "hear" the baby in my belly when he sticks his ear there... not sure myself, since I can't get my head down there!
Miss anything: Nothing too much, a hot bath would be nice!
Movement: It feels like it's getting tighter in my belly for him, so I feel a lot of rolling and smooth movements against my belly, not as much jabbing anymore.
Food cravings: Pineapple, grapes, eggs
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Have you started to show yet: I'm getting asked more and more frequently by strangers, "When are you due?"
Gender: Boy, and I just found a really cute pair of baby sunglasses yesterday since he will be born in the middle of summer!
Belly button in or out: It's o-u-t, out.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Looking forward to: Getting the nursery finished and ready for baby Roth! Curtains are made (pictures to come next week). Also some great Craigslist finds - White Ikea bookshelf - $20, Set of 3 drawers (to be painted yellow) for next to crib - $10, and 5 drawer dresser (to be painted yellow) - $20 to be used as a changing table/clothing/diaper storage. Hopefully getting the crib next week!
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