Fruit/Vegetable Comparison and Size: Head of cauliflower - 14 1/2 inches head to heel.
Total weight gain: 22 lbs.
Exercise: 1 prenatal yoga class, 1 gym day. The weather has been so nice, so I'm always out and about once I get off work!
Maternity clothes: The weather is getting warm again, and it's so nice to not have to wear a jacket anymore.
Sleep: Still sleeping well, can't complain at all!
Best moment(s) of this week: Going to the my baby appt. on Friday and having a lot of positive conversation with my nurse practitioner about how things have been going, and the road to natural birth. Everything is still low-risk and baby is moving and growing well. Also, passed my glucose test, and all blood tests. Woo hoo! And.... today we bought our crib!! Matt finally decided on one and it is made in the U.S.A. - It will arrive in June, so excited.
Miss anything: Simply bending over without having to squat.
Movement: He's definitely an early riser, but not too early... every morning when my alarm goes off at 6am, he starts kicking away.
Food cravings: Strawberry pie, that I made this week.. Unfortunately (but really, fortunately) Matt doesn't enjoy strawberry pie, sooooo... there may or may not be a whole pie for me to eat.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Have you started to show yet: Yes, yes, yes...
Gender: A big boy.
Belly button in or out: It's o-u-t, out.
Wedding rings on or off: On, but getting tighter...
Looking forward to: Baby appointments every two weeks! It's starting to become real...
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