Fruit/Vegetable Comparison and Size: Ear of corn - 12+ inches head to heel.
Total weight gain: 15 lbs.
Exercise: 1 gym day, 1 prenatal yoga class, 3 hours working out in the yard today pruning and clearing away debris.
Maternity clothes: Stretchy items, anything stretchy is what I need to wear.
Sleep: My favorite time of day... it feels to great to lay down.
Best moment of this week: Receiving surprise gifts in the mail from sweet, sweet friends.
Miss anything: Not really.
Movement: Huge kicks, sometimes I wonder if anyone notices my belly bouncing when I am standing there talking to them.
Food cravings: Meat of all kinds, especially pulled pork! Fette Sau - Ate here today for lunch... so so so good.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Feeling great!
Have you started to show yet: Enough to where a stranger feels comfortable asking, "are you expecting?" - I still don't think I've ever felt comfortable asking someone that!
Gender: Boy still... nothing changed there. I think we have a name? Still a secret.
Belly button in or out: The kids at school love to tell me that they can see my belly button.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Looking forward to: Friday!! 3d ultrasound where we get to see baby Roth again!
*Matt and I started our Bradley Method class last Monday and it was so great to meet with couples who are having babies around the same time we are. We're excited to learn a lot about the birthing process together to better prepare ourselves for this miraculous experience we have never been through before!
**Coming up next week - Baby Matt and Baby Kristin pictures!
lookin good